IrBEA’s 22nd National Bioenergy Conference – Thursday 12th October 2023

In two weeks time…book now!

The 2023 National Bioenergy Conference will focus on the theme ‘Bioenergy’s essential role in emissions reduction and the energy transition’. The conference will be an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss how bioenergy can be embraced as part of the energy transition to renewable energy technologies. The conference agenda will cover renewable heat, transport and electricity.

In order to meet the Government’s ambitious targets for renewable energy and decarbonisation, Ireland must rapidly transition to renewable energy. Ireland must support sustainable, efficient and competitive renewable technologies that can also help deliver on security of supply. Bioenergy is well placed to satisfy these requirements.

Ireland has readily available feedstocks that can be mobilised to drive the bioenergy sector. Solid biomass plays a substantial role in the domestic, commercial and industrial setting, replacing coal, oil and gas. Renewable gas in the form of biogas/biomethane can be produced by using anaerobic digestion (AD) technology from a range of biomass resources, readily available in Ireland. Liquid biofuels are making a strong contribution in terms of transport emissions reduction.

We will also look to emerging markets such as biochar, bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and carbon dioxide removals (CDR).

Kindly sponsored by Bord na Móna and Gas Networks Ireland the conference will discuss how Ireland can further embrace bioenergy within the energy mix and discuss the positive impact the technology can make in emissions reduction and the energy transition.
#bioenergy #biomass #biogas #biofuels #biochar #forestry #sustainability #circulareconomy



Webinar 41: Exploring the sustainable management of agricultural green waste in Ireland

A live recording of webinar 41 is available here.

Topic Overview
At this webinar, IrBEA presented the findings of the feasibility study on the sustainable management of agricultural green waste in Ireland which was developed late last year on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. This report outlined the many sustainable alternatives to burning which farmers could deploy for agricultural green waste. The Department of Environment, Climate and Communications announced that the practice of burning agricultural green waste will end on the 30th of November 2023. To facilitate a final transition, a last short time-period for burning will re-open on the 1st of September 2023 and close on the 30th of November 2023. IrBEA hosted this webinar to outline the many sustainable alternatives to burning which farmers can use. This webinar was targeted at farmers and their representatives, local authority personnel and officials, the farm advisory sector, statutory bodies, the biomass supply chain and any other individuals and stakeholders who may be interested in the topic.