IrBEA Develop Biomass Designers and Installers Register

In October 2018 IrBEA received a grant offer from Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) to develop a Biomass Designers and Installers Register.

For a number of years, members have reported that some commercial biomass installations have not functioned correctly. This can be for a multitude of reasons including poor designs, incorrect installations or bad management of boilers. By creating a register of designers and installers who have demonstrated a level of experience, IrBEA feel this will help to professionalise the industry.

In late November, the IrBEA Management Committee recommended the creation of a sub-group of IrBEA members to start developing rules for this register and begin the project work. This sub-group has met twice to date and IrBEA members who are not currently involved are very welcome to join.

To read some of the background to this project and it’s key objectives read more HERE

IrBEA ran a successful 2 day course for Biomass Installers and Designers on the 4th and 5th of February in Dublin. The course was presented by David Palmer. David is a specialist with extensive expertise and experience in the design  and installation of biomass boiler systems. David has worked with IrBEA over the years. It is likely that attendance at this course, or subsequent similar courses (a second course may be run in June or July 2019) will be a requirement for companies to join the register. If you are interested in participating in this 2 day training course or if you have any questions on the Biomass Practitioners Register project please get in touch with Sean Finan at

Pictured at the recently organised IrBEA 2 day Biomass design and installation training course organised as part of the IrBEA /  SEAI Biomass Practitioners Register Project and held at the Carlton Hotel Dubln Airport were: Back Row L to R – Simeon Walsh (Filtrex), Ryan Barker (Fichtner Consulting Engineers), Ryan Crawford (Alternative Heat) Gerry Darcy (Udarus na Gaeltachta), Ciaran Miller (Clearpower), Niall Mc Namara (Bord na Mona) Lee Kelly (Keltech Heat Services) Middle   L to R – Graham Whelan (Biomass Engineering), Kenny Mc Cauley (McCauley Wood Fuels), David Butler (Woodco Energy) Declan Crosse (Woodco Energy) Tim Ryan (Woodco Energy) Bobbie Milligan (Colloide Engineering) David Flynn (Wood2Go) Phillip Goode ( Noel Lawlor Consulting Engineering) Denis Phelan ( Noel Lawlor Consulting Engineering) Blaine Warnock (CHP Mechanical) Front  L to R – John Smyth (CHP mechanical) George Hegan (Hegan Biomass) Alan Hegan (Hegan Biomass) Sean Finan (IrBEA CEO), Denis Neary (SEAI), David Palmer (IrBEA Trainer), Denis Deering (Smart Power), Pat Durkan (Urban Biomass) Micheál Galvin (Enviroeye Engineering) Missing from Photo: Mark Kenny (Biomass Engineering)